Short Films


Looseballin is pool table slang for hitting the cue ball randomly to see what unfolds. But for Dean it is way of life, especially when he knows how much it pisses off his friend Krantz. When he agrees to help execute Krantz’s meticulously scripted con trick it is the perfect opportunity to cause mayhem. By the time Dean and Krantz finally get Rudi, the cautious car dealer, and his precious car down a back street, so they can pull the scam they are already way off script, leaving the two friends to try to out Looseball each other. Krantz’s Nigerian Bob act finally wins the day, and the car, but not an Oscar.

Sound Editor – James Murray



Molly knows what she has to do. As the getaway driver she’s got to put the pedal to the metal – at any moment now. With a boyfriend like Bruce, it’s the same deal – she knows what to do, but can she do it? Any moment now?

Location Sound – James Murray

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